The leaves are slowly turning and the air is crisping in the Tennessee Valley! Our CMG team is is excited for all of the fall festivities that are just around the corner. We have so many precious gems in our area such as Scott’s Apple Orchard, Tates Farm, Oktoburfest, and so much more to enjoy with your family. 

As we journey into colder weather, it’s important to remember a few things to keep your home in tip-top shape. Annual maintenance on your home means less service calls to technicians, less money spent on big ticket items (like your HVAC) and more time to enjoy your home. Keep reading to see our CMG team’s tips on preparing your home for Fall weather!

  1. Change HVAC Filters

This one may seem like a no-brainer, however it’s one of the less noticed items in your home. When you go to run on your heat for the season, you will without a doubt notice a slight burning smell which is normal when your turn on the heat, however the big switch from hot to cold on your HVAC system kicks the system into high gear and having clean air filters can make the work on your system easier. Most homes are equipped with wall or ceiling grates, located in central areas of your home, that can be easily released with a few levers on the top and bottom. Once opened, just pull out the old filter and insert the new one. Pro-Tip: try to change filters while the air is running to help the filter be sucked into position so your don;t have to hold the filters while closing the grate.

  1. Add Leaf Filters To Gutters

As the weather changes and the leaves turn, which means your yard will soon be covered in yellow, orange, brown and red leaves. It’s a beautiful sight and fallen leaves make for a great fun with smaller children, however, if your yard is surrounded by trees, they might start to collect in your gutters. Gutter leaf filters can be purchased at most home improvement stores or there are local services that can install them for you. Clogged gutters can lead to bad drainage and can also put weight on your gutters causing them to sag. While they aren’t necessary, if you don’t want to go the leaf filters route, we recommend checking your gutters monthly or bi-monthly to ensure leafs aren’t collecting.

  1. Caulk Windows & Replace Door Weatherstripping

This tip is one of our most recommended because it’s easy, inexpensive and only has ro be done about once per year. Sealing off the airways to your doors and windows will save you a ton of money on your heating bill, sustain the life of your HVAC system, and also will keep out pests trying to escape from the cold weather. Caulk and weatherstripping can be found at your local home store and can be done without the help of professionals. For caulking, simply load the caulk into the caulking gun and run a line around where the trim meets windows and then let it dry. For weatherstripping, remove old stripping from door by giving a small tug, discard, and then push the new weatherstripping into place. 

  1. Winterize Sprinkler Systems and Cover Hose Bibs

Preparing your pipes for the colder weather is an absolute must. In Alabama, our pipes aren’t buried as deep in the ground as they are up north because we don’t experience extreme cold weather as often. However, when we do hit some below freezing temperatures, it’s best to protect your pipes to avoid water damage to your home. The last thing you want is to come home from your Thanksgiving family dinner to find your home flooded. Sprinkler Systems are equipped to be winterized and can be done so by turning off the water and timer on your system, draining the sprinklers, and insulating any sprinkler heads that are above ground. Hose Bib covers can be purchased for around $3-$10 each and are placed on any hose connection on the outside of your home. 

For more tips on how to get your home ready for colder weather, we recommend reaching out to any of our knowledge CMG team members to learn more. We would also love to give your recommendations on local fall activities and events for the family! If you have questions on how our CMG family can serve you, please always feel free to reach out! At the CMG Real Estate Group, you are always more than just a transaction, you’re our family!